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Confirmation Information Meeting Sept. 11
There will be a mandatory meeting for all incoming and current confirmation students and parents on September 11 at 6:30 pm in the church basement. Students going in to 8th and 9th grades are eligible for confirmation instruction at Grace.
Who We Are
Grace Lutheran Church is Biblical, sacramental, liturgical, mission-oriented, traditional, community-minded, gracious, warm and inviting. We love noisy kids in worship and welcome folks who haven't been here--or anywhere-- in a while. We are not perfect people with all the answers, but we are a community of redeemed sinners gathered together by God and learning to live our name: "Grace." We worship in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and are busy following Jesus and inviting others to know Him, too.
Rally Sunday, Brunch and Bingo September 22
Everyone is invited to BRUNCH AND BINGO on Rally Sunday, following worship. Students will also receive their Catechisms and Bibles during worship.