Worship, Music and Sacraments
We believe our chief purpose as the Church is to worship God, hear his Word and receive his Sacraments. At Grace, this happens primarily on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Worship at Grace Lutheran is "warmly traditional." We use the Lutheran Book of Worship and the With One Voice hymnals. We make use of the full, rich expression of Lutheran liturgy, ritual and hymnody, but strive never to be stuffy or rigid. We have a gifted organist, a handbell choir, a small ensemble of singers and a pick-up wind band.

​Weddings at Grace Lutheran are worship services honoring and focused on God, in which all of us are participants and not only spectators.
Marriage is a covenant of lifelong faithfulness between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:18-24) grounded on God's steadfast love. God's amazing faithfulness and covenant to us are our model (Ephesians 5:21-23). In accordance with Holy Scripture, neither Grace Lutheran nor its pastor(s) will host or conduct same-gender weddings or unions, either on our property or offsite.
Because we care about couples and the commitment of marriage, we are strongly committed to pre-marital counseling. You'll want to ask the pastor about this and set up times. A minimum of three sessions is required.
Any final decisions regarding the worship, music and liturgy rest with the pastor and the organist. Also, the pastor reserves the right to refuse to perform a wedding if he/she feels that he/she cannot, in good conscience, be involved.
To inquire about being married at Grace Lutheran, please call the church office at 507-938-4450.

Midweek Prayer
During Advent (December) and Lent (usually February/March/April) we worship on Wednesday evenings. These are informal services of candlelit prayer (Advent) and prayer and teaching (Lent). During Advent, Wednesday worship is at 7:30 p.m. During Lent, it is at 7:00 p.m. with a free soup supper beforehand, beginning at 6:15 pm.

Holy Communion is celebrated every week at Grace Lutheran. In addition, Baptisms may be scheduled by calling the church office at 507-938-3285.
Grace Lutheran does not have a set age for First Communion, though generally most children commune around first grade, younger in consultation with the the pastor.
Sacramental preparation for both Holy Baptism and Holy Communion is offered by the pastor.
During Holy Week, scheduled opportunities for private confession and absolution are offered, according to the practice of the Lutheran confessional documents and our worship books. Appointments for private confession and absolution may be made at any time by contacting the pastor. Those who are troubled by their sins are urged to come to receive Christ's word of forgiveness for them.